Certificeret sikkerhed for bygninger, terræner og det offentlige område

Pullertkonceptet er flere århundrede gammelt. Den kommer næste altid i form af en cylinder som afspærringspæl eller kollisionsbeskyttelse, der består af stålrør i forskellige højder og diametre. Udviklingsteamet hos GPP Perimeter Protection har udvidet denne type pullert med en ny variant, CityProtector, så der nu er en endnu bedre individuel afspærring til dig, alt efter omgivelser og krav. På den måde går pålidelig beskyttelse, dekorativt design og ledefunktionen hånd i hånd. I den forbindelse garanterer vores højsikkerhedspullerter, i modsætning til gennemkørselsafspærringer, en uforstyrret persongennemstrømning. Den sænkbare modeller blandt vores pullerter forsvinder helt ned i jorden, så autoriserede personers køretøjer frit kan passere.

En pullert er ikke bare en pullert

Beslutningen om den rigtige sikkerhedspullert bør altid tage omgivelser, situation, rammebetingelser og kundens sikkerhedsbehov med i overvejelserne. Derfor kan du ikke bare stole på pålideligheden i alle GPP-pullerter, men også på, at du får rådgivning og komplet service fra vores virksomhed. Med støtte fra os kan du vælge faststående, udtagelige eller sænkbare pullerter i din ønske-RAL-farve. Belysning kan give yderligere sikkerhed eller fremhæve en fodgængerzones atmosfære. Sammenlign pullertsystemer med runde afspærringsdele med vores CityProtector-pullertanlæg, hvor de enkelte elementer kommer i form af hajtænder.

Vi har udviklet hver enkelt pullertmodel til specielle anvendelsestilfælde, for at kunne tilbyde den passende barriere til vores kunder i enhver tænkelig situation. Uanset hvad kan du naturligvis i alle tilfælde stole på den veletablerede GPP-kvalitet og smarte konstruktion. Vores pullerter overbeviser pga. den lave installationsdybde, inkl. fundamentnedsænkning. Dette nedbringer omkostningerne og gør det muligt at integrere i krævende arkitektoniske overordnede koncepter. Alle pullerter fra GPP har lav slitage, en fremragende korrosionsbeskyttelse og kræver kun et minimum af vedligeholdelse. Derudover garanterer vores sænkbare pullerter en høj grad af sikkerhed i forhold til udfald via integrerede hydrauliske aggregater.

Tal med os for at anmode om yderligere information om tekniske data, eller rådgivning om hvordan vores pullerter bedst muligt integreres i dit sikkerhedskoncept.

CityProtector M40 – Your high-security bollard

Your high-security bollard

PPG’s CityProtector systems are both removable and fixed. No other available product is more deserving of this product designation. As tests confirm, the CityProtector M40 survives the impact even of heavy vehicles almost undamaged – while the vehicle, in turn, is completely destroyed.

Low penetration distance and the simple installation despite utmost robustness are unique in the world of high-security products.

CityProtector M50 – Unforgiving Protection for People & Assets

Unforgiving Protection for People & Assets

The M50 is similar in design to the M40 bollard – just tougher. Even heavy trucks stand no chance against this massive high security bollard. At speeds of up to 80 km/h a breakthrough into a sensitive area is impossible with the CityProtector M50.

Our CityProtectors can be installed and supplemented in such a way that they do not disturb the cityscape aesthetically, offer versatile additional functions and, for the most part, do not stand out as a security product at all. As benches, tables, bases for streetlamps or elements for bicycle racks, they blend seamlessly into the design of the urban environment.

CityProtector M40/M50

Blocking width
100 mm
Blocking height
900 mm
PAS 68:2013 V/7500[N2]/64/90:0.3/15.7
IWA 14-1:2013 V/7200[N2A]/64/90:0.7
IWA 14-1:2013 V/7200[N2A]/80/90:4.3
Instal­lation depth
220 mm (shallow foundation) – 100 mm lowered foundation optional
3,900 x 1,750 mm (triple unit)
Different blocking element designs, stainless steel sleeves and street furniture options available, also see technical datasheet online

Rigidity for Highest Security

PPG’s M30 and M50 fixed bollards protect people on public paths, sidewalks and squares from being endangered by vehicles. Due to their low foundation depth, they can be used in inner cities, where supply lines and structures such as underground car parks are often a challenge. Buildings and areas can also be reliably protected with this product. Depending on the anticipated threat scenarios, you may choose either the M30 bollard or the crash-tested model M50. Installation is quite simple, which is why these bollards can also be set up in the short term – for example, as a retrofit solution and to further reinforce existing security measures if the threat level has increased.

Fixed Bollard M50

355 mm
Blocking height
1,100 mm
PAS 68:2013 V/7500[N3]/80/90:0.4/15.4
IWA 14-1:2013 V/7200[N3C]/80/90:0.8
ASTM F2656-07 M50/P1 (triple unit)
Installation depth
500 mm incl. 100 mm road covering
Stainless steel sleeve, top lighting, also see technical datasheet online

Fixed Bollard M30

Blocking width
355 mm
Blocking height
1,000 – 1,100 mm
Vehicle Impact Simulation M30/P1 (triple unit)
Installation depth
500 mm incl. 100 mm road covering
Stainless steel sleeve, top lighting, also see technical datasheet online

Fixed Bollard P80 SF

273 mm
Blocking height
1,080 mm
PAS 68:2010 V/7500[N3]/80/90:10.6/11.1
Installation depth
750 mm
Top lighting, also see technical datasheet online

Crash Protection whenever required

The movable bollards M30 and M50 clear the way for authorised vehicles when lowered. In raised position they protect sidewalks, squares and other areas from intrusion by even the largest and heaviest types of vehicles. Both models are low-maintenance and crash-tested.

Movable Bollard M30

355 mm
Blocking height
1,100 mm
PAS 68 V/7500[N2]/48/90:0.0/0.0
IWA 14-1 V/7200[N2A]/48/90:0.4
Operating time
Raising: approx. 5-6 sec., lowering: approx. 3-4 sec.
EFO (optional)
approx. 2-3 sec.
Drive unit
Mounted to installation frame
Insta­llation depth
500 mm – 1,800 mm incl. 100 mm road covering
Stainless steel sleeve, top lighting, EFO + RO1, also see technical datasheet online

Movable Bollard M50

355 mm
Blocking height
1,000 mm
ASTM F 2656-07 M50/P2
PAS 68 V/7500[N3]/80/90:5.2/7.8
IWA 14-1 V/7200[N3C]/80/90:5.5
Operating time
Raising: approx. 5-6 sec., lowering: approx. 3-4 sec.
EFO (optional)
approx. 2-3 sec.
Drive unit
Integrated in blocking element
Insta­llation depth
500 mm – 1,850 mm incl. 100 mm road covering
Stainless steel sleeve, top lighting, EFO + RO1, also see technical datasheet online

Any Ground is Safe Ground

The foundation plate of the SSF100 Resilience bollard is characterised by the shallowest installation depth of all our bollards. At the same time, this product easily passed a crash test with a truck travelling at 64 kph successfully and is certified according to IWA 14-1. This bollard ensures reliable protection against approaching vehicles on various types of surfaces such as concrete, asphalt, gravel or block pavement.

The SSF100 bollard can be aesthetically modified and customised in many ways. Various reflective foils, finishes or even stainless steel sleeves can be added depending on the area of application and architectural surroundings. The product is available as a permanently mounted or removable version.

SSF100 Resilience

273 mm
Blocking height
1,000 mm
IWA 14-1:2013 V/7200[N2A]/64/90:4.9 (triple unit)
Insta­llation depth
200 mm incl. 100 mm road covering
See technical datasheet online

Protection for Public Spaces

The rigid CleanSafe bollard is the optimal addition to our high-security bollard portfolio. Visually elegant and robust like our other steel bollards, it has a particularly ingenious feature. To protect not only against mechanical impact but also against the risk of infection, we have equipped it with an integrated disinfectant dispenser. This vandal-proof hygiene solution, which is built into the blocking element, is particularly well-suited to areas such as city centres, where large numbers of people congregate and safe interaction is essential.

The dispenser, which is placed directly at the height of an average-sized adult’s hands, can be operated contactless or by touch. Our high security bollards are usually positioned at central traffic points in cities, making them highly visible, so that anyone who wants to spend a nice day in the city centre can reliably protect themselves from infection. When equipped with the optional LED lighting, passers-by and road users are directly made aware of the bollard even in poor lighting conditions.


273 mm
Blocking height
1,080 mm
Construction based on crash test certified fixed bollard P80
Insta­llation depth
Min. 450 mm
Top lighting, also see technical datasheet online
Control unit
Multifunctional, automatic control WE-Tronic II with integrated frequency converter
Via drive mechanism supported by interlocking of gate leaves through reception fork and in-feed roller
TÜV type-tested according to DIN EN 13241-1
See technical datasheet online

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